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Location: Akron, OH, United States

I consider myself a writer and a foodie, though both are debatable. I am a collared sub to my husband of seven years. We have two boys. They keep me busy and away from all the books I want to read. We are trying to balance our love of kink and getting enough sleep to function. I drink a lot of coffee.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jobs, Jobs and School Work

I am now considering a seasonal job at the local bookstore. It's difficult to consider another part-time job while I'm at school full-time, but the schedule is not what I thought. I was prepared for a rigorous year of study and research with this graduate program. I'm not sure I've ever been so let down. Readings are never discussed and therefore are rarely read, classes require few papers and little outside research, and professors do not even make the effort to learn students names. It makes putting a lot of effort into my studies difficult. And therefore, when the opportunity came up to get a little extra money and a discount on books, I had to think. It means more than 40 hours a week of work on top of my school work. But skimming a few books and writing one paper a month is like one class of my undergraduate. Money for the holidays is always appreciated and even if it means getting up early the day after Thanksgiving, it could be worth it.


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