Hit or Miss?
Well, Dave was supposed to have the morning off and while we were eating breakfast he got called into work. So I drove him in and then got down to work. Grad school is all reading. And while I love reading, the books are really boring. That's not a good thing. The books all have great intentions, but they all say the same thing. And I can't be the only one who thinks so. While I want to learn my profession, learning something new is essential to it just being a general course. It's weird to think that I am more passionate than my professors. I have one prof that I have not seen since September. First she was gone at a conference and for the last few weeks the T.A. has taught the class, badly. She simply puts him in charge with no checks on his methods or his performance. Another professor has actually yelled at students during lectures. Rather than discussions about books or special topics, we hear about his glory days. Then there are the stories of how difficult it will be to find a job. His positive attitude is mind numbing. When I was young you couldn't keep me out of school. I loved my lower school experience and my undergrad college was amazing. Yet, I find it hard to force myself to go to my graduate classes. All I can do when I do go is wait for time to pass and I can leave. It's hard to enter a class like that and just count the minutes until I can leave. Now I know what those kids in high school who hated school when through. I'm simply looking toward graduation and hoping that despite my professors constant statements that employment is impossible, that I will be able to find a job and keep it.