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Location: Akron, OH, United States

I consider myself a writer and a foodie, though both are debatable. I am a collared sub to my husband of seven years. We have two boys. They keep me busy and away from all the books I want to read. We are trying to balance our love of kink and getting enough sleep to function. I drink a lot of coffee.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Blog Makeover

I realize that I have been using this blog as a diary and a general talk about me site. I'm not sure that this format is really good for me or at all entertaining for any of you. So I'm changing it. I'll keep my emotional breakdowns to my written journal and hopefully present something a little more worth reading. I've been in Pittsburgh now for three months and I'm finally beginning to appreciate everything this city has to offer. Growing up in a rural neighborhood with only corn and wheat as company made this transition difficult. But the food, stores and people are a wonder. The options for a person, even on a tight budget like myself, are endless if you want a good book or a bite to eat. And I hope to now use this blog to help to introduce you to these varied opportunities. If you are a resident of Pittsburgh with your own ideas and hot spots, please share. And I hope you enjoy and learning from my adventures as well.


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