Star Trek
As much as I would love to call this a review, it is not one. Neither my husband nor I are steadfast trekkies, so I do not feel educated enough to pass judgment on a legacy. These observations are merely comments from a film enthusiast.
We saw the movie last saturday at the IMAX theatre in Homestead. This is a movie that was made for a screen that size. It looked beautiful. I do not understand all of the history of the show. I remember only quotable lines and character names. But the cast in this film was amazing. I was a fan of J.J. Abrams shows Alias and Lost, I had a lot of faith in his capabilities. And I was not let down. The effects were amazing. The actors did a great job, even though the story was not perfect. They did a good job making me love all the characters that I didn't grow up with. I fell in love with Spock and his relationship with Kirk.
The comedy throughout the movie was spot on. Simon Pegg is a wonderful actor and Scotty really makes this film. Both my husband and I really hope that their will be sequels in this Star Trek universe. A lot of the negative reviews seem to stem from a misunderstanding. The idea of time travel is not new to this series, and yet, it seems to be the biggest problem for critics. As not to spoil for those who have yet to see the movie, let me just say that it is a great movie. It does not have to be tied up with bow at the end. And as a fan who wants sequels with these actors in this series, I will be one of the last to complain when something is not quite as clear as it could be.
Everyone will enjoy this film. From the tear-jerker opening to it's climax. Have faith in the actors and director to show you a good time and you will have one.
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